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來源:泰州人才網(wǎng) 日期:2011-05-04 瀏覽


  3、 Assess  your experience 評估你的經(jīng)驗

  The lowest-risk decision for a hiring manager is to choose someonewho has done the job before, So if you try to compete ina new field, you'll be at a disadvantage.


  It's just hard to sell yourself when you don't have any experience, or the experience that you do have is a complete disconnect, You can't make your past not exist.


  This doesn't mean it's impossible to change careers. But you may need to find a substitute for the experience you lack. One way to do this: networking.


  Does somebody know you from a former company? Fireman asks.People are much more likely to take a risk on someone they have worked with in the past, even if it was in a different job. Volunteer experience can also help。


  4 、Build a bridge 建一座橋

  Not all career changes are equally difficult. The hardest is tomove to a field where none of your previous experience is relevant. Often, though, you can find a way to build on your previous experience while doing something new.


  Consider staying in your industry but moving to a new role so youcan play up your industry knowledge. Or you could keep working in finance, for example, but for a biotech company instead of a publisher. In that case, you can show that you have already done the job, even if the industry is new.




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